Tarantula migration over?

After five bike rides (Nov. 10, 13, 14, 17, 19) without seeing any live tarantulas, I think the tarantula migration for 2021 is over.

Thank you to those that contributed to the Cycle for Science project. Hopefully, you will participate next fall (September through November). Almost a 1000 miles was surveyed over 35 trips. We have location data on 54 tarantulas spotted. Hopefully we can do better next year! I’ll do a little more outreach and remember to tell your friends.

Thank you


Friday bike ride

Got out today before the rains, well… I got a little sprinkle. Saw six live tarantulas and six squashed ones over a 30 mi ride.

Please contribute to the project! I will be out of town for a week and will not be able to log any tarantula biking miles.